Usefull information
The TomNose made it to national television and the Dutch newspaper “AD”. Find general information about the TomNose. How it’s made, how to use and reviews of TomeNose users.
The TomNose made it to national television and the Dutch newspaper “AD”. Find general information about the TomNose. How it’s made, how to use and reviews of TomeNose users.
The TomNose in the Dutch television show “klokhuis”
A nice explanation of what to expect if you have your own TomNose made
Ease of use
Learn to put in your TomNose and how to remove it. Those children show you how to do.
World champion synchronized swimming Mikako Kotani has her TomNoses made in 1994 in Osaka. A documentary made by Tokyo broadcasting
Tomnose, the alternative to the nose clip
A fast growing line of swimming is called synchronized swimming.
As a large part of the movements is made upside down in the water, the air bubble in the nasal passage disappears and water can flow in.
So far this unpleasant or painful sensation could only be prevented by using a so-called nose clip.
But the nose clip has several disadvantages, it is often irritating and even damaging the tissue of the nose, it is easy to loose in the act, or worse, during performances and not very attractive from an aesthetic point of view!
So, a new technique was developed to close off the nose, virtually invisible, to prevent any inflow of water regardless the position of the body.
The greatest improvement however, will be the self-confidence of the user and hence the performance, now the natural beauty and mimic of the face is back again.
The solution consists of two clear silicone rubber precision casts, tailor made for each nostril and worn inside the nose. This device is to be called the TomNose
Insertion and removal is easy. The TomNose is moistened with saliva before being inserted and is pulled out by the fingernails while blowing air through the nose. The only maintenance required after use is to clean the TomNose with some hand-soap and put it away dry in a nylon pouch. Always store it dry!